~Marcianos Reign~
Ft. Scott Stallone
The BRìDGe aND The AB¥§§
Ft. Scott Stallone
The BRìDGe aND The AB¥§§
With almost absolute Reckless Abandon Jedi Mind Tricks along with artist Scott Stallone delivers yet again ANOTHER HipHoPhrecy Musical Gem to be very much celebrated in all of its Divinely Beautiful Dazzling Musical Wisdom with their "Marcianos Reign" of Jedi Mind Tricks brand new 2018 album ~The Bridge and the Abyss~
Yet ANOTHER HIGHLY ANTICIPATED Jedi Mind Tricks creations ~The Bridge and the Abyss~ most immediate attention grabber "Marcianos Reign" proves to be precisely what us Underground HipHopsters crave in our veins most, delivering with Ruthlessness and almost Angelic Lyrical Eviscerations of Wisdom, Vinnie Paz , Jedi Mind Tricks front man and Scott Stallone have proven beyond any question as to their Hypnotic Magical Prowess in what I would argue to be one of the most gorgeously engineered finest of craftsmanship HipHophrecy tracks in the entire musical spectrum.
Having been NO STRANGER to PAIN myself, having struggled endlessly for some years to come to grips and acceptance of it all ~Marcianos Reign~ has OBLITERATED ANIHILATING ANY lingering remaining doubts within that I surprisingly have actually been on the rightest of paths facing and smashing it all down and aside embracing all of the pain, rushing head long into its Flames licking your soul in its Fyre. Simply and most eloquently put, THANK GOD THANK GOD THANK GOD for this insanely almost borderline offensively Wicked Beautiful Jedi Mind Tricks iconic anthems. Breaking rank off the tracks am including the Heavenly Divine Eternal Wisdom embedded in this INSTANT HIPHOP CLASSIC ~Marcianos Reign~ having taken its name from front man Vinnie Pazs' son Marciano. Vinnie, Scott, if you all are reading this, I CANNOT thank you ENOUGH for this timeless message of hope and better brighter days to come. Thank you as always for your Insanely Bright Beautifully Wicked Musical Prowess n God Given Talents delivered in stunning dazzling surgical precision an instant all time favorites of mine now.
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