Famous By February Interview

Brandon Harris: What got you all into music?

FBF: What gets anybody into music? We all have our different inspirations. Janna said she's always just wanted to know how people would make music happen from different instruments. 

Brandon Harris: When did Famous by February forum?

FBF: Originally FBF formed in April of 2013. The final FBF was just recently introduced. Our front-woman joined this past December, and then the new lead guitar came about in April right before a charity show that we did. Thus, creating the final Famous by February. 

Brandon Harris: What do the members like to do on their free time?

FBF: There really isn't any free time amongst us. When there is, our lead guitar focuses on his video games and the drummer likes cooking. Aside from that, us other two members don't really have free time hobbies apart from music.

Brandon Harris: Who inspired you all in your youth?

FBF: Chad answered with Elvis Presley. Janna said Hanson. Harold mentioned Eminem, Ed Sheeran, and Kina Grannis but that doesn't fall too long ago for him. John Mayer has always been a huge inspiration for our vocalist. 

Brandon Harris: What has been the best show you all have ever played and why?

FBF: For three of us, we'll have to say our album release party at The Masquerade. It was a huge milestone for us, not only for the release of our first album, "Confessions" but also playing such a popular Atlanta venue. Though for Harold, he says The Vinyl show would have been his milestone performance, since it is where he saw his favorite artist play live. 

Brandon Harris: As a band how long does it take to write a song and then get it down?

FBF: It depends on how we're vibing. If we are all happy and in a good mood, we are much more productive. Something will click and we could have a song written within a few minutes and perfected within a few days. 

Brandon Harris: What do you have in store for your fans for the fall?

FBF: We have HUGE things coming. Our second album is being scheduled to be released and some other things coming that we can't talk about just yet. We're super excited for what's in store. 

Brandon Harris: Having a female front is really cool! How do you feel that has helped your band grow?

FBF:It makes us different, because sometimes females can be underestimated as a front. And honestly, sex appeal is a huge thing too. Not in a degrading way though. It's more of a sexy confidence type thing. 

Brandon Harris: Who is the funny person in the band?

FBF: Everyone agrees Janna is the funniest but Chad says he is probably the funniest looking.

Brandon Harris: What do you guys and gal's have as set goals for Famous By February?

FBF:Easy. Red Rock. Dream big or not at all!  Also, we try our hardest to write each song better than the last. 

Brandon Harris: If you could play on stage with one band who would it be and why?

FBF: Chad thinks The Killers because they put on such a killer live show. (Pun intended) 
Janna said Mutemath because they're innovative and put on a great live show as well. 
Harold says Ed Sheeran, being it is his biggest inspiration and Bethany says John Mayer or Melanie Martinez for the same reason.

Brandon Harris: What are some of the hardest obstacles you have had to overcome to get to where you are?

FBF:The two biggest ones have to be fan growth and expenses. We wouldn't be anywhere without our fans, but at the same time media requires money to be spent. But we know all the effort and money we are putting into it will pay off in the long run.

Brandon Harris: What would you say to young people getting into music? 

FBF: Don't give up. Have persistence. Keep fighting for your goal and keep practicing until you get it right. It's the best feeling in the world when you finally get there. 

Brandon Harris: Would you rock out with the president? Had to ask a funny?

FBF: Definitely! When the most powerful man in the country asks you to rock out with him, you grab your guitar!

Brandon Harris: Anything to say to your fans?

FBF: Hang tight for us! We've got great things coming for you guys. And thank you for sticking with us and showing us all your support! FBF wouldn't be the same if it weren't for you. 
To our new fans, welcome to the club! 
We love every one of you. 
