What Happened to Rap:

What Happened to Rap:

Where in the world is real hip hop. Every time I log into facebook or Instagram I find a dozen new rappers. I'm quite unsure what exactly happened to hip hop. Some of these underground and up and coming artist are quite amazing. But to many young people have turned a form of expression into a game of who feels more important. I can truly tell you my gut wrenched in the worst ways when I came across a music video about a year back. Slim Jesus a little kid from the burbs talking about smoking people, and straps. Are you kidding me? Kids are so hungry to get famous that their pulling out fake guns?? I have to say it, the current situation of music is both great and horrible all wrapped in a big blanket of merchandise and youtube hits. 

Twenty years ago you got famous because you made quality music time and time again. Nowadays you can make a quick jingle about a "whip and nay nay" by the way which was overplayed, and way overrated and become rich. That is sad, if that were the case when Biggie and Pac ruled the game we may have never even had greats. We only seem to care about overplayed simpletons when there is deep meaningful art still out there. Why as music lovers must we entertain complete idiots and leave true talent in the rough? For some reason our generation seems to be more motivated by hate and violence then even a true hustle? At least gangsters 20 years ago had goals and respect as well. 

We have deemed ourselves invincible and ripped the reality from our minds. We have more violence from these educationally challenged artist that can't even be understood. Like for real I can get on a mic and hit the flow just like Slim Jeesus.lmao. Anyone can act like a true ass and make a buck. The better question is who is relevant? Where are those artist that mean what they say and truly express themselves in their music?

I have to say Macklemore, for as mainstream as he is did him with the music he brought the world. He is one artist I will say came out with some real hits and he was true to his character. I have a lot of respect for him as an artist. He really stands out and comes across genuine. Unlike like so many of today's rappers.  
