~Soul Chilling Rhythms Rhymes from tha Nasty North, THE MR. Face~

  •             ExiLeD   Mr. Face.......The Beast from the Nasty North, We @ Underground Interviews and I, ExiLeD most appreciative you taking the time to sit down with us and offer us a glimpse into the mind of one of Canadas greatest artist...
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    ay man its always a pleasure, tons has gone on since we last touched base so its dope y'all wanna keep tabs on whats going on, on my end!
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    We aint the wam bam thank you ma'am kinda peeps, the amazingly gifted talented driven artists as yourself we always wanna keep close tabs on and see whats hoppin fresh with ya and we've been keepin a close eye on ya for sometime now... So, since we last officially touched based with you, what all have you been up to? musically wise..
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    shit man lasttime we touched base i was just releasing "The Next Chapter part 3" .. since then i released part 4 of that series, "Trackpants & Toques" another solo mixtape i put together & also my latest release "The Gateway" my last free solo mixtape prior to my two upcoming solo albums. I've also had the pleasure to work with many bigger named emcees since we last touched base such as Pace Won (From Tha Outsidaz), Slaughter Rico, Homebwoi, Niqle Nut, JL Of BHood (Strange Musics New Signee) an a few others I won't mention due to issues amongst our camps, an not wanting to provide additional promotion to them lool
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    The Gateway, further proof of your wicked skillz on the mic n track., Always love checking out the new stuff dropping down from the Nasty North.. So, as for the Gateway, tell us a few of the tracks that really stand out to you and over all is there a main theme behind the album in general?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    man.. The Gateway is all around the best project ive ever put out. i tried to theme it around my life in my hometown, growin up, things i went through or did or point of views on situations i have. an shiit to pick some songs on there that are stand out beyond the stand outs lol hmm .. well number 6 Roll That .. the production on the beat is NUTS. this ones a captivating stoner song for damn sure. light one up an listen to that as i blend some harmonies with rap vocals to make a wild little high adventure. number 2 Hatred, is an angry, thought provoking protest type track. the type of song thatll make you wanna riot against the higher ups. number 7 contagious featuring the beautiful singing of Montreal, Canada's Voyce* on the chorus. this one is more of a love song. a trip into my heart more so then my mind. number 12 Beg For Mercy is a more bar-filled hard hitting "this is why i do this" type song. featuring Bigg Ceaser from Ottawa, Canada on the second verse with a hard hitting technical flow an raw knowledge n bars. this song is a guarenteed banger. theres also an exclusive freestyle on the outro of the mixtape & a bonus cypher from myself & my young artist "Subconscious". all in all its HARD to pick which tracks i like more i could go on til theres none left but these are some of my faves off the top of my head
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Right now I'm bumping your "Hidden Agenda" track on Gateway, some conspiracy FACT type undertaking exposing the powers that be, Love the Kennedy speech clips your threw up in their in homage of what most would argue as the last true American President there may very well ever be. Tell me, what was the inspiration of that track in particular?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    THAT song .. well lets just say i'm big into studying the "illuminated", the higher ups, the government conspiracies that are out there. And with all the bullshit in the news about the riots, police killing people, the government slowing pulling rights from the people & all the major events that have gone on in the world & more importantly North America i just felt i need to throw in my piece on the subject. I grew up listening to artists like immortal technique whose one of the huge opposers of the government & everything that comes with it in hip hop an i felt it was something i needed to include my viewpoint of being from another side of the battle (Canada/U.S.A)

  • Phoenix Gabriel
    you know, with so many apathetic, mindless yet content consumers and societal drones amongst us, why is it that such a talented/gifted artist as yourself would see fit to take on the powers that be? Whats in it for you? as they say, ignorance is bliss, so why not just put tracks out that appease the masses and go mainstream selling tracks glorifying the current status of money, hoes, bling, drugs, and power of your own? What is it that makes Mr Face see this as such an important issue that you choose to carry on the torch that others have brought forth to us and to spread the truth, as dangerous as it is, even making you an enemy of the state for doing such? wouldn't it just be far easier to sellout and become one of the many, part of the club who tend to be much MUCH more handsomely rewarded than those who choose to expose the powers that be for what they truly are? a question Ive had to ask myself on a regular basis, why? It'd be much easier for me to go to work for Rolling Stone Magazine as a writer and get paid the big bucks for doing so.... Explain...
  • James Lamb
    Mr. Face
    i ask myself the same question all the time. The only answer ive ever come up with is i honestly dont know how to be anything but genuine man. I cannot speak on something i dont personally live. i'm not rich, never been rich, i dont have "hoes", i dont have "bling" or cars to brag about to the people. i honestly have no idea how to be one of those type of people, i mean itd be nice to be one of those people but at the end of the day i couldnt speak on something i dont live an feel genuine about it. i have two step children an i'd much rather they grow up knowing shits genuine then having a false image upheld infront of them.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    but why, make you and your music the enemy of the state? on the things of which you rhyme about with your visceral lyrics making them out to be the enemy of us, WE the people? isn't that not putting a bullseye target on your back and your music?
    just as Immortal Technique as you mentioned earlier has?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    yes & no. as much as i do speak on it, its few an far between. i try an be strategic in my attacks therefore not making me too marked by the industry ..
    i do have hopes to one day be in a place to spread a positive message to the people in a way that will get pushed to the masses.. someway somehow i will get that
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    which i find to be one of the many wondrous aspects of you, as an artist... with so many others out there always recording the same track over and over and over and over always on the same thing forever sticking to that one issue which for me, and I'm sure many out there tends to just become repetitive and tiresome... I mean, one can only make so many songs about smoking weed... How many songs can you possibly make about smoking ganja?? I admire you as an artist in that aspect that you are very well rounded in what it is you touch on with your music. Always a different issue, along with different answers almost a guide to life itself taking all of life aspects into account and putting it on your albums.. And just know that we here in the Underground and our team at Underground Interviews will do all that we can to see you get to that level. Tis why I, Exiled does what i do., is to help those we believe in chase down and see their dreams come true no matter how small it may be whatever it takes. I know we believe in what you're doing and so does many others out there and everyone of us can do something anything to help get Mr. Face out to the world as one of our "Bringers of Light". So whatever it may be, please, don't hesitate to tell us what we can do to help get you to that next level..
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Mr Face, as one of Canada's most notorious and affluent artists in the Underground I am curious as to who all are the main inspirations behind the Face,. As an artist on and off stage who are your main influences?

  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    well firstly, my musical influences started with Coolio. i was 7 the first time i EVER heard of rap. And Coolio's "Gangstas Paradise" was the first & most influential song on my life. from there i grew into eminem, immortal technique, jedi mind tricks, cage, copywrite, MhZ, The Weathermen, Jak Progresso, Necro & many other underground artists. As a kid/teen i was a big basketball player in my city/province in Canada so Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson were all people i was influenced by at a point in my life as well. but my OVERALL biggest influence on my life has been Tech N9ne. The way the man has gotten into the industry on work ethic an sheer greatness an strength. The message he provides an the push he gives his artists.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Funny you say that, Coolio I think was the introduction to many of our generation to the whole hip hop/rap genre, world.. he was for the most part my intro to the music as well, obviously along with a few others. So Basketball aye, never would have guessed that to be your sport of choice, as for the other artists you named, some pretty hardcore heavy hitters of the mucus industry in general not just the Underground. A few of those you named I'd make the argument have in some ways forced the hand and change in the so called "mainstream" music industry and genres alike. As a recording artist how many shows would you say to date have you performed and who all have you taken the stage with?
  • James Lamb
    Mr. Face
    i agree fully man. the people i look up to musically have all in a way played their own part in the music industry in some manner. an YEAH bruh i played basketball until the day i picked up a mic. i was one of the top in my age group in my province prior to injuries to my knees & troubles with the law forcing me out of school. shiit, ive been performing for almost 8 years now. mind you the last 3 have been few n far between as i work for a more polished product to provide my fans. But ive performed if not more then 175 since 2007. I've had the chance to open for Tech & Krizz, Vinnie & Ill Bill, Reef The Lost Cauze, Chief Kamachi, Dany Fernandez, Snowgoons jus to name a few off the top of my head

  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Are there any artists out there if given the chance, you'd love to do collaborations with, if so, who and most importantly WHY?
  • James Lamb
    Mr. Face
    honestly, right now the only people i'd really like to work with are Tech & Krizz. Ive gone through a buncha bullshit with "big" names last year (2015) that im at the point where i could really careless to fuck with anyone that aint payin me. but Tech i would LOVE a verse from, as he's been such a huge influence to me musically an almost EVERYTHING that guy writes is influential. an Krizz Kaliko has one of the wildest singing ranges ive EVER heard. he can do just about anything vocally so a chorus from him would be an incredible feat
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    ExiLeD I must say Mr Face, rarely have I, or my partner in our time working in the Underground ever come across such a driven, seasoned, experienced, and truly gifted artist as young as you, when's your birthday anyhow? Your birthday and zodiac, and do you personally put any merit into such things? I myself actually share the same birthday as one of my personal favorites ABK, Anybody Killa...
  • James Lamb
    Mr. Face
    im a gemini man. June 13th, 1990 is my birthdate. i'm 26 this summer coming up. an been at this since my 14th birthday. (although i didnt record my first song til my 16th bday) making it almost 11 years of rapping lol. an YES my zodiac sign plays huge into aspects of my music. thats where the "face" originates from. being that a geminis symbol is twins. (two faces) two face was one of my original aliases based off my zodiac sign. i changed it 3.5 years ago to "mr.face" as Mr is a sign of respect (being a vet i feel im owed a lil something) an the face being that one thing you'll never forget
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Hells yeh, glad I asked. It's nice to know some of what is the driving force behind the Face and artists we work with.. that's pretty cool how you've incorporated your zodiac into your art and have used it to your advantage. I myself am quite big into the whole astrology concept and philosophies (beliefs) though I do know many people who think it's fun to think about and that's about the extent of that. I'm sure you can relate when I say I feel kind of sorry for those around us who don't and cannot believe in something wondrous and mystical, something bigger and greater than ourselves as individuals.. interestingly enough there's been a lot of shit happen on your birthday. The actual day and year tho June 13th 1990 – First day of the June 1990 Mineriad in Romania. At least 240 strikers and students are arrested or killed in the chaos ensuing from the first post-CeauÈ™escu elections. I'm a curious cat by nature and wanted to know what else shook the heavens on that particular day.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Mr Face. we've all heard of POW Records, tell us about that. Who is POW Records and who all are the artists on the label? And any ideas as to why the POW?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    thats kinda crazy man lol ive never really looked into the things that happened while i was getting my first glimpses at life. an P.O.W was something i started in 2013 originally with 15 other artists across the world. it was originally my attempt at a worldwide "aotp" style group... that failed miserably lool noone kept organization an things never got done. So in 2014 i cut off everyone but my boy Subconscious, who to this day is the only rapper besides me on P.O.W (which stands for Prisoners Of War) However we have a graphic designer Alex Frazier (A.Frazier Designs), & 4 producers on the lineup (BrIcks, Diamond City Beats, K_Loaf & Point Blank Beats). Nowadays P.O.W or more so just a "home" label for myself such as strange n funk volume originally were for tech & hopsin. At this exact point in time i'm putting my focus into what i have, an maybe one day i'll add to that once im able to provide a platform for others such as the aforementioned artists above.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    And a humble record label owner to top it off.. I've seen it time and again, labels who seem to be grasping at straws snatching up anyone and everyone they can get their hands on in what I call "The Shotgun Effect" seeing if anything sticks and is propersous, which not being in the record label business not sure as to all the upsides and downsides of said strategies. I personally would have to side with you on your business decisions to keep it small and controlled, build a firm foundation and once that's in place to slowly start growing and bringing new faces into the fold. As a business owner myself I find it that to be the best approach for me, personally. The whole ADD thing proves it difficult to be able to focus on 30 different things at once. As you know my intense curiosity at when the infamous soon to be legend of the Underground Mr Face and his invasion of the south (United States) if and when can we down here in the states expect you to head south and get busy on some shows etc here?
  • James Lamb

    MR. Face
    ay man i understand ADD fully, i myself have ADHD & ODD (so the dr's say) lool an shiit i unno man i'd love to come right now an put on for y'all time shall tell. i'd like to tour down there this year or next (budget pending) funding yourself isnt the easiest thing of life with a family to feed
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Fair enough, I think most of us here in reality can relate to the whole budget pending issue, not always easy making all our dreams and needs come to fruition, money indeed often does make the world go round sadly enough. So, that being the case Mr Face, how can we, in the Underground here @ Underground Interviews as well as all our soldiers and peeps of the underworld do to help expedite things and more quickly get you down here to the Americas to start mixing it up with us? What can we all do to help you get down here and start really achieving the goals, objectives and dreams that you have?
  • James Lamb

    MR. Face
    I'm releasing 2 solo albums this year. THOSE will be my funding to do anything, purchase my albums in support of what i've givin y'all the last 10 years for free!! help me get out to meet y'all an be able to provide y'all with more n better music & live shows!!
  • Phoenix Gabriel

    More and BETTER music coming from you is hard to believe, considering up to this point you've done the vast majority of it free of charge. I must admit, given the finances not being an issue I am very intrigued and curious as to what all you, Mr Face along with P.O.W. records could be capable of doing. Just don't forget yours truly, ExiLeD once y'all take over and conquer the Nasty North.. I have to ask, because I come across aspiring artists day in day out. All of whom have their own unique and a lot of shared common struggles. As an aspiring hopeful, new artist to the scene. What would be your greatest advice you could offer up?
  • James Lamb

    MR. Face
    "nevermind what haters say ignore them til they fade away" - T.I said it best. fucka naysayer, follow your heart, think with your head an do what you believe will benefit you best. the people around you will never wanna see you do better then them if they arent doing good without others following you first. & try your best to weed out the "yes men"
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    "Yes Men"...? Elaborate...

  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    you dont want people in your corner that only know how to say yes. everytime you make a song they say "dope" or will hype you up regardless of the situation. honesty is KEY. if your people cant tell you the truth or give you criticsm to build off of then they are YES men
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Absolutely, and I've witnessed and experienced first hand the downsides to such people, often times I'll argue they can do more harm than good. Mr Face, as a recording artist/label owner.. what would you say are the most overwhelming issues, problems you've been faced with? How did you overcome it or are in process of.. first as an artist, and secondly, to those of us who run labels. What would you say are the greatest obstacles you've had to deal with?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
  • the biggest challenges ive found personally are people matching my work ethic & consistency. I have a very hard time working with people who can't keep up with me or be as consistent. not to sound cocky but the only way to get anywhere in life is to work hard an i work my ass off 20 hours a day almost everyday, so when ive come upon artists who dont match my intensity towards music i have a hard time keeping them around. i dont feel i should have to pull weight for anyone besides myself in any aspect of anything besides my label duties.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Do you think in some ways, that could be one of your weaknesses as a recording artist?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    it could be in one aspect. but it could also be a strength being that i do not rely on anyone but myself to put out my product ya kno
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Agreed. As an artist with words, a writer, promoter, business owner etc myself. I've found often times my need for perfection, all or nothing type thing hinders me almost more than anything else. As a record label exec/owner... What would you say your biggest obstacle on that front would be? N have you discovered or found any way of overcoming such?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    in all honesty i just focus on me, i dont really worry bout my artists cause they all put in there share of work at there accord. you really cant expect anyone but yourself to pull you through shit ya know. ive never really been held back by my work ethic in the least. my biggest obstacle lately has been "bigger" named artists thinkin that there jesus when in reality their jus one of the on lookers like myself. but like i said before i jus worry bout me an eventually my time will come. i dont got time to waste to let someone else hold me back.

  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Amen to that.. if only we could all have that perspective on our work and life in general.. just a fun FYI question for you,. What would you say is one of your favorite quotes and why?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    tech n9ne " if you like me play me, i aint gonna pay no dj 20,000$ to play my record, if you like it play it" .. the words i live by to this day. i dont feel money should dictate who gets played n who doesnt. hell i know some overly broke rappers that could RUN the airwaves but they wont pay people to play em. an i feel the same way. ill never force my product on noone, if you wanna listen, listen. otherwise do you. i know my worth an it isnt to be shellin out thousands for some play
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    I can definitely understand and appreciate that approach and perspective on the industry as a whole. Having been on some Christopher Columbus of the underground I've come across quite a few magnificent wonderfully gifted and talented artists who unfortunately the world will never know see or hear, due to that very fact alone. It's sad it is that way for the most part. However I feel the good news pertaining to all that is the information age and all of the social media which comes with it. It most definitely is an exciting time for humanity as a whole and the music industry in general, I feel it simply cannot keep up with all the latest developments in technology, communication, and information sharing as it has up to this point. The upside to that is now, more than ever an artist such as yourself has the ability, if they, and you've proven yourself time and again to have the know how to get your message (music) out to the masses though albeit in other means than that of mainstream radio play. I for one would have to say 90% or my music listening experience is online via streaming videos/tracks on whichever site I come across. Which I'm convinced is obvious to the direction the music industry as a whole must move towards if they're to maintain the status quo, or risk having a massive power shift in the industry. All the biggest heaviest hitters up to this point being left behind, a relic of the past kind of thing.adapt and overcome no doubt has always been the key to success in everything having to do with the human experience, music, being absolutely no exception. Now that being said... If you couldn't be a recording artist/record label..forget the music all together for a second. If you had to choose some other profession to have.... What would it have been?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    man, if i couldnt make music, had i not injured myself playing football one summer i think i either would've actively pursued basketball somewhere in the world. and/or became some sort of studio owner somewhere i've always loved music an one day i just decided to rap when i was young n stuck with it ever since.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Do you think your location, geographically speaking, being there in Canada has helped or hindered your ability and results as an artist/label owner?

  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    canadas still a smaller market. any canadian artists that get "alot" of attention from here dont live here nomore. they moved there for the spotlight
    so its hurtful but it is what it is
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    yeh, agreed it is what it is, gotta do the best with what we have in the moment. I for one see big things in the near future for you as well as P.O.W. Records, any thoughts of relocating yourself as to further your career?

  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    As for relocating .. i dont see that coming in my near future. firstly i love my free health care, an with kids thats key to have. an im not a fan of the states as a whole. i wouldnt wanna live there. ive watched yall go through enough

  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Good move, and let me tell you. For those of us who have an intimate understanding of history, and how time is cyclical not linear, history destined to repeat itself for the lessons of the past long since squandered n forgotten, things are only guaranteed to far worse for us down here before they get any better.. we are in fact under siege and wars are being waged upon us at every turn n I fear my children will have one hella war to fight to get us out of our economic collapse alone.. N well, I of all people know there's no such thing as free anything. In one way or another you're paying for it, bet. I'm curious Mr Face, as an Underground recording artist/label owner, who would you say in 2016 within the Underground do you think will be the movers n shakers, the ones beside you of course to keep an eye out for?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    honestly i have no clue. im too focused on me to worry bout other artists. all i can say is GOODLUCK cause im coming for the same thing they are.
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Just tryna catch you slippin homie lol.. as always we do expect bigger and better things from Mr Face along with all the others working with and affiliated with P.O.W. Records.. Well Mr. Face, I greatly appreciate and very grateful for taking the time to get with us and give us all an intimate behind the scenes glimpse at the driving force behind the Face.. we definitely look very much forward working even more with you in the future and highly anticipate what's to come next from Mr Face and P.O.W. Records.. So all that being said, lastly and most importantly, tell us all again what we here @ Underground Interviews and our worldwide family can do to help Mr. Face and P.O.W. Records get to the next level of ferocity?
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    ay man its much appreciated! anytime yall want an interview jus holler at me!! an shiit head over to www.youtube.com/ThePOWRecords & subscribe! or head over to www.mrface705.bandcamp.com an pre-order my first album of the year!!
  • Phoenix Gabriel
    Absolutely, will do homie. As always much love! €xi£eD signing off..
  • James Lamb
    MR. Face
    take care famo!!!

