Living the dream...

So just an update. We are alive and moving. Our team has officially been blogging for you all for 4 years. Its 2016 and were still opperational. We are planning a move this fall to a wordpress site. Please bear with us. We had recieved over 10,000 submissions in 2015 and were hoping to double that in 2016! If you are in a band, you sing, rap, or dj please email us your music,videos, and press releases!!!!

Underground Interviews is now 4 years old. I cannot believe so much time has passed. When we opened our site I was due to be a dad, in a few weeks we will have done our 2000th blog post. We have interviewed  some amazing musicians and we have traveled the world. We as a team are very proud  of all of our achievements as a team. We are all glad you still read our work and we have some big stuff in store for 2015!!!!
