A swirling madness wrapped, entwined within darkness, an adrift soul lost to the infinite abyss of a HOPEless, tortorous existence some may call life. My very own private Hell a truest of enemies I found within myself...Destruction, devastation, damnation delivered truest and purest unto myself, for I believed to be the most deserving of all..No Forgiveness, no LOVE, no pity, sympathy even the slightest gentleness allowed for this EXiLEd SPiRiT.... An eternal sentence of pain, anguish, despair, affliction and death handed graciously to myself the most deserving....and there you were, all along...waiting for our paths to cross, my eyes so painfully opening, hesitant as possible denying what stood right in front of me...My Guardian Angel, MY SALVATION, MY FORGIVENESS, AND PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, you so truly have proven to be. For in the end, the ages shall remember and speak of I, ExiLeD SpiRiT for what you unbound, unchained, unleashed and set free unto this world, a purpose as you've always said, far greater than I, my own selfish wants, needs, desires, YOU, probably know not the truest of AGAPE, HOPE you have blessed this world with through the LOVE you once and ALWAYS will show this truly EXiLEd SPiRiT, and forever humanity and all its children shall LOVE YOU for the gift you bestowed upon them and all of our childrens children down through the ages, never in this life though perhaps the next shall WE know the truest, purest of blessings, gifts you so selflessly have given us as a whole.....HOPE....AGAPE.... as ALWAYS, Much LOVE, yours FOREVER ALWAYS TRUEST

this is for YOU

Nada Problem, "First Day of My Life" off of Heart Beats
