Interview with the Moonshine Bandits

                                             The Moonshine Bandit's Open up with our team 

Brandon Harris: What got you guys into music? 

Moonshine bandits: We love music and entertainment in general. Tex grew up in a family that celebrated and partied on the weekends, the music was cranked, everyone sang and had a good time.  Bird grew up in the
Church and sang with the family on sundays.
Brandon Harris: So the Moonshine Bandits are gaining a following and moving very quick, what do you feel is the key to your success?

Moonshine bandits: Our music is a soundtrack to the lives of our fans whom we call  our Shiner Family.  We do
over 150 shows across America yearly so we meet a lot of people, hear their stories and that
inspires our song writing.
Brandon Harris: When Interviewing the Big SMO he called you all real as could be? How does that make you feel?

Moonshine bandits: Smo knows our grind and how hard we work.  We've done shows and hung together
and had some great times together.  Our music has always been real to us so thats part of our success,
we've never tried to conform to what other artists are doing.  We been the same ol' dudes, just a few more tattoos.
Brandon Harris: As a group how did you all pick country rap?
Moonshine bandits: We've never picked country, we've never picked rap.  We made Moonshine Bandits music that was natural to us.  We grew up listening to every type of genre possible so we became a product of our environment.
Brandon Harris: What does Kin Folk mean to you?
Moonshine bandits: Family.
Brandon Harris: Where are yall at this summer?

Moonshine bandits: All across America.  We start in Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, then we are gone for 6 weeks starting in August. We have a short break and start again in October.

Brandon Harris: How did the name the Moonshine Bandits come about?

Moonshine bandits: We like to party hard.  Aside from all our partying, Tex's great grandfather bootlegged booze during the prohibition years.He used a barbershop as a front and his great aunts peddled the alcohol to politicians and people using baby carriages so they never got caught.

Brandon Harris: What do you think of the music industry of 2015? What could be done better?

Moonshine Bandits: I think 5-10 years from now, record labels will vanish.  Streaming is a double edge sword, it helps for exposure, but kills sales, which makes album recording budgets getting smaller and smaller, which makes music drop in quality.
Brandon Harris: "For the Outlawz" is an amazing song, with almost 5 million hit's, did you ever see it going that far?

Moonshine Bandits: We we wrote it, knew it was a big song, but never knew it would be this big and still growing, just passed 5,000,000 views.  It's probably a song that will never disappear, we will proably get to perform it for the rest of our career.

Brandon Harris: What has been the best experience thus far ?
Moonshine Bandits: Getting to travel America and hearing stories from folks about how our music has helped them through rough times in their life. Charting on billboard without radio or tV.  Getting amazing gifts from shiners that go to our shows, like receiving a purple heart from a fan.
Brandon  Harris: What can we expect to see from the Moonshine Bandits in 2015?
Moonshine bandits: Everywhere.
Brandon Harris: So I must ask, whats your favriote Moonshine?
Moonshine bandits: Apple Pie Outlaw Moonshine.
Brandon Harris: Where did you all start? Where were you in life when the moonshine bandits came about?
Moonshine Bandits: Sitting on a porch drinking a cold beer, rapping and singing, we decided to go all in and take this thing to the next level.
Brandon Harris: Who inspired you as artist? Who did you listen to in your youth and now into today?
Moonshine Bandits: David Allan Coe, Cash, Waylon, kid rock, tupac, eminem
Brandon Harris: Who would you love to preform with if allowed the oppertunity?
Moonshine bandits: kid rock
Brandon Harris: What is a readneck throwdown?
Moonshine Bandits: Redneck Throwdown is a party anywhere, any place, any time.  You don't need a lot to have a good time, just some stiff booze and some good friends.
Brandon  Harris: So yall seem to take a lot of pride in your nation, and chevys? What fuels that fire?
Moonshine bandits: We have had a lot of family that have fought overseas.  Birds Grandpa was in World War 2 and tex's cousin went overseas as a young marine.  We love our soldiers.Brandon Harris: I have to ask where do you stand on the whole confederate flag issue? In throw down you use the general lee and now they have taken the whole show off tv over that fight? 

Moonshine bandits: Bird is from Mississippi and he was raised that it symbolizes heritage, not hate.
Brandon Harris: What do you do when you at home and off the road?

Moonshine bandits: Spend time with family, bbq, relax, try not to answer our phone.
Brandon Harris: What do you have to say to young artist aspiring to be like you one day?

Moonshine bandits: Work your ass off. Learn the Business.  Don't burn bridges.

Brandon Harris: Were do you see yourselves in 10 years?
Moonshine bandits: Accomplishing everything we've set out to do.
Brandon Harris: What is one thing most people dont know about you?
Moonshine Bandits: Bird played golf in College and almost went pro.  Tex was a full time graphic designer and Art Director.
Brandon Harris: So what do you prefer a home cooked meal, or fast food?

Moonshine bandits: home cooked.
Brandon Harris: Anything you want to say to your fans?
Moonshine bandits: Shiner Forever. Forever Shine.
