Brandon Harris: What got me into music?
Aaron Chandler: I was exposed to quite an assortment of music when I was a kid, and I related to a lot of it very early on. My mother got me
into playing instruments when I was in elementary school, and I loved doing it. I still love it today.
Brandon Harris: How did you join One Year Reign?
Aaron Chandler: Ryan and myself teamed up as a music project for a film he was making. We hired a bassist as well. Eventually it turned
into a band because we wanted to perform our original material. That was when we decided to hire Rob and Zach.
Brandon Harris: Whats it like being such a distance from the band?
Aaron Chandler: It's difficult to keep up with the band in a songwriting sense due to the fact that I am constantly busy with school, but I
always enjoy going home to play a show every once in a while. Balancing OYR and school is very difficult to do, but I wouldn't have it any
other way, because I love what I do.
Brandon Harris: What are your goals as a musician?
Aaron Chandler: I've Always dreamed of making it big. I know how difficult it is to get there, but I am doing everything I possibly can to
achieve it. Eventually I would love to be known as a DJ/electronic musician, being on stage at events such as EDC. Along with that I am
determined to become a professional studio engineer/live sound engineer. I want to be the guy that people call if they need professional
work done.
Brandon Harris: Who if anyone inspires you?
Aaron Chandler: My grandfather and my uncle are my main inspirations. They own a business and are making 6 figures a year through
that business. I want to be just as successful as them. Musical inspirations include bands such as Chevelle, Avenged Sevenfold, Tool, A
Perfect Circle, among many others.
Brandon Harris: What were the pro's and con's of your childhood most reflected upon in your music?
Aaron Chandler: I write my music based on how I'm feeling most of the time, or based on past events. My childhood was less than normal
, and most of my music reflects that, as I tend to write much darker sounding music. The song "Ignorance" off our first album was one of
my first songs, and it was written about my mother's marriage and divorce to her second husband. Most of the music I have written has
pertained to the cons of my past or present rather than the pros. I am in the process of writing a song pertaining to a pro, however.
Brandon Harris: What does the word entertainment mean to you?
Aaron Chandler: To me, entertainment means keeping a crowd of any type satisfied with a performance or an environment. You can
attempt to entertain whoever you want, but if they are not enjoying the vibes you are putting out, you have failed to entertain.
Brandon Harris:How much time a week do you practice?
Aaron Chandler: I try to brush up on OYR material at least twice a week just to keep my fingers in tact with the music. I also write as
often as ideas are coming to my head. Expanding on ideas is the hard part. You could say I spend an average amount of my day on my
Brandon Harris:Where do you plan to be in 1 years?
Aaron Chandler: In 10 years I hope to have obtained a masters degree in music technology, being a professional DJ/performer.
I hope to also still be working with my band. As of right now the only conflict I foresee separating us is my distance from home and my
desire to not be in Illinois after I graduate college. I am not currently making plans to change locations, though.
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