~We Are EXiLEd~

~We Are EXiLEd~

What can I say Underground Nations? Tis been one of the most trying, testing, harshest years in quite some time for a lot of us, yours truly included... It has in fact been a while since I been at it. And for far too long we have, a lot of us, let this world have its way with us falling victim to circumstance and others doings, and for some of us me being the worst..... ourselves.. People ask me all the time why no name, no face? My answer to them has been and always remain the same immovable force...EXiLEd has never been and never will be any one individual. ExiLeD is a state of mind, a way of being. Look around you and you shall see EXiLEd every which way you turn. The disenfranchised, damned, lost, hopeless, destitute, broken, desperate, and hurting. EXiLEd is simply nothing more than one word to sum up an entire generation of people from all walks of life, EXiLEd from life, love, our families, nations, list goes on. Having been in the underground as long as I have been I will tell you we are amassing armies of what I've come to know as our Bringers of Light, our artists and everyone else up in the mix on the frontlines of this struggle worldwide we have found ourselves bogged down in. The artists we've been so blessed and grateful for getting to work with have shown us one thing and thats that there is in fact still hope for us. I fell in love with the underground from day one for I saw, felt and lived everything they speak on, a shared struggle, they know whats up, they know whats at stake, some much more than others but I do what I do to spread the light, the beauty, and the prophetically wicked harsh truths the world must awaken to if any of us have any hope of a better tomorrow. They also have shown me through their music, their words, their lives that one does not always have to remain EXiLEd, find your people, find your truths, find your love, your happiness and peace in this life......thats home. As for now... Get ready Underground, EXiLEds been unleashed unto this world and what they're fixing to find out is ExiLeD is everywhere and nowhere, anyone and everyone and no one.. Much more coming from us @ Undergroundinterviews.org keep up with us like us share us help us help them, you become the difference. For now I shall leave y'all with my favorite quote I have come to try and put to my entire life and all i do in it., "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world shall know peace" ~Jimi Hendrix~ 

